This post is a bit of a two for one.
Firstly, I thought that I would say hi to all the new students joining us this week at the Department of Computer Science and Technology at the University of Hull.
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This post is a bit of a two for one.
Firstly, I thought that I would say hi to all the new students joining us this week at the Department of Computer Science and Technology at the University of Hull.
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Today I presented a session in our new students induction called “Building Your Brand” which was broadly about how to develop your profile in a way that supplements everything that you are explicitly learning on your degree programme. In preparing for it I came across something that led me to an interesting diversion.
In one of my previous posts on the value of blogging ( I remarked on how once a random internet stranger had left a comment that substantially improved the performance of the eGPU setup that I was blogging about. That was awesome, and I really think of it warmly.
It also occured to me as I wrote this that the way I had the blog currently setup, using static site generator Hugo ( I did not have the capability for people to leave comments.
This is where Staticman comes in.
[Read More]In a recent post about blogging and CSBlogs ( I mentioned that I have been playing around with using the static site generation tool Hugo ( with GitHub Pages ( as a means of hosting various websites at no cost.
Here I explain how it is done.
[Read More]This is a post to proselytise the virtues of blogging with respect to getting your first job (and possibly ones to follow). I also want to reintroduce CSBlogs to the Hull Computer Science students. More on both below. The picture is unrelated but begs the question, Who’s a pretty tabby tiger?
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